Učestvovali smo na 3. RISE Forumu Socijalnog Poduzetništva u Skopju i naš tim DROPLET je osvojio 1. mjesto

Ovogodišnji 3. Forum Socijalnog Poduzetništva Zapadnog Balkana je organizovan u Skoplju – Sjeverna Makednija. UG NEŠTO VIŠE je Lokalni inkubator za BiH na projektu RISE i naš kolega Adem Lisičić je zajedno sa predstavnicima timova mladih koje obučavamo i mentorišemo u razvoju sociopoduzetničkih biznisa učestvovao na Forumu. Ove godine pored standarnog dijela gdje se predstavljaju timovi sa kojima smo radili proteklih godinu dana, te razgovara o raznim temama iz polja socijalnog poduzetništva, po prvi put smo imali i takmičenje Alumni RISERa.   Konkurencija je bila izuzetna, ali od svih timova sa Zapadnog Balkana naš tim DROPLET (predstavnik Harun Šabanović iz Brčkog) osvojio je prvo mjesto i 5.000 Eura za nastavak razvoja sistema za lakše pronalaženje davalaca krvi određene krvne grupe u momentu potrebe.
Drugo mjesto i takođe 5.000 Eura osvojio je tim “Women on the way” iz Srbije.

Na Forumu su učestvovali i predstavnici naša dva tima koje trenutno podržavamo kroz #RISE projekat, Maid Dizdarevic (Bus on time – Tuzla) i Ivana Radić (Mingling – Sarajevo).

Kolega Adem je vodio i jednu od radionica na Forumu gdje se razgovaralo o “Kreativnim pristupima primjene socijalnog poduzetništva za podršku mladih osoba kojima je potrebna pomoć”. 
👏 Forum je uspješno otvorio Ministar rada i socijalne politike Sjeverne Makedonije, Ambasador Delegacije EU za Sjevernu Makedoniju, Ambasador Francuske za Sjevernu Makedoniju, Ambasador Poljske za Sjevernu Makedoniju, Direktor Agencije za mlade i sport Sjeverne Makedonije i Generalni sekretar RYCO-a, vođa tima “Projekta za podršku razvoju socijalnih preduzeća” i Direktor Pakomak-a.
🌟 Njihove inspirirajuće riječi označile su početak RISE regionalnog foruma i trećeg sajma socijalnih preduzeća, okupljajući preduzetnike iz cijelog Zapadnog Balkana. Hajmo zajedno ostvariti pozitivan uticaj u regionu!
RISE activities are being implemented by 6 organizations of the Western Balkans region: ARNO Balkan Green Foundation NEŠTO VIŠE SMart Kolektiv Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis Yunus Social Business Balkans

We participated in the 3rd RISE Forum of Social Entrepreneurship in Skopje and our team DROPLET won 1st place

This year's 3rd Social Entrepreneurship Forum of the Western Balkans was organized in Skopje – North Macedonia. Citizens Association’ NEŠTO VIŠE is the Local Incubator for BiH on the RISE project and our colleague Adem Lisičić participated in the Forum together with representatives of the youth teams that we train and mentor in the development of socio-entrepreneurial businesses. This year, in addition to the standard part where the teams we have worked with for the past year are presented, and various topics from the field of social entrepreneurship are discussed, for the first time we also had an Alumni RISER competition. The competition was exceptional, but out of all the teams from the Western Balkans, our team DROPLET (representative Harun Šabanović from Brčko) won first place and 5,000 Euros for continuing the development of a system for easier finding blood donors of a certain blood group in the moment of need. Second place and also 5,000 Euros was won by the team “Women on the way” from Serbia. 

Representatives of our two teams that we currently support through the #RISE project, Maid Dizdarevic (Bus on time – Tuzla) and Ivana Radić (Mingling – Sarajevo) also participated in the Forum. 

Our Colleague Adem led one of the workshops at the Forum where they discussed “Creative approaches to the application of social entrepreneurship to support young people who need help”. 

👏 The forum was successfully opened by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of North Macedonia, the Ambassador of the EU Delegation to North Macedonia, the Ambassador of France to North Macedonia, the Ambassador of Poland to North Macedonia, the Director of the Agency for Youth and Sports of North Macedonia and the Secretary General of RYCO, the team leader ” Project to support the development of social enterprises” and the Director of Pakomak. 

🌟 Their inspiring words marked the beginning of the RISE regional forum and the third fair of social enterprises, gathering entrepreneurs from all over the Western Balkans. Let's make a positive impact in the region together!


#RYCO #RISEWB #WesternBalkans #Wechangewesternbalkans #makeachange #socialimpact #socialentrepreneurship

RISE activities are being implemented by 6 organizations of the Western Balkans region: ARNO Balkan Green Foundation NEŠTO VIŠE SMart Kolektiv Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis Yunus Social Business Balkans

risewb6 project is supported by AFD – Agence Française de Développement #EuropeanUnion and Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO OFAJ DFJW PULSE Group (Groupe SOS) and SEEYN