
-Training for the Association of Dystrophic Patients Teslić

The Association of Citizens “Nešto Više” continued its cooperation with the Association of Dystrophic Patients Teslić. Sanja Đermanović held a two-day training for the members of the Association on the following topics:


Public Advocacy-Lobbying;

Negotiation and negotiation skills.

The training included  a methodology for presenting theories, participants’ self-assessment instruments, working in small groups, discussion and creative dialogue. The content of the training was organized according to the request of the client, and included the following areas:

Leadership and following

Definitions of leadership

Leadership characteristics and factors

Leadership theories ( how leaders are formed)

Four-frame approach (one of the model of leader behavior)

Leadership Grid:

Discover your own leadership style

What a leader needs to BE-KNOW-DO

11 principles of leadership

Five points of leadership “power” (or five types of power)

Two keys to effective leadership

Active listening (one of the tools of effective communication)

The myth of leaders and the negative effects that myth has on leaders and followers Followership:

The Myth of Followers

The importance of unraveling myths about the leader and followers

Following styles:

Discover your following style

Public advocacy and lobbying

What is public advocacy?

Advocacy components

The foundations of an advocacy strategy

Nine basic questions for developing a successful advocacy strategy

What ese needs to be considered for successful pubic advocacy?

What is lobbying?

Negotiation and negotiation skills

Definition of negotiation

Elements of negotiation: negotiators, results, process

Negotiating styles

Ten classic types of “difficult” people in negotiation 13 tips for good negotiators

Through the evaluation, the participants expressed their satisfaction with the presented material, and expressed their desire for further cooperation. The next training for members of the Association of Dystrophic Patients Teslić will be held in eary November 2010, and will focus on the methodology of project writing.

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