Analysis “Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Unveiling its Impact on Youth Mental Health, Security, and Equality in BH Society”
The analysis “Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Unveiling its Impact on Youth Mental Health, Security, and Equality in BH Society” explores how exposure to hate speech affects the mental health, socialization, and development of youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The emphasis is on a multidisciplinary approach to combating hate speech, including education, strengthening legal frameworks, technological innovations, changing social norms and values, and inter-sectoral cooperation. Our goal was to analyze the current situation by gathering opinions from citizens of all ages on this issue and to develop recommendations for public institutions and civil society organizations for more effective suppression of this phenomenon. The analysis can be viewed by clicking on the cover page of the publication.

The analysis was conducted as part of the project “Enhancing peace, security, mental health, and equality through the analysis of hate speech in the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and reducing its occurrence and consequences through workshops and advocacy campaigns.”
We thank all individuals who assisted us in assessing the current situation through surveys and interviews to produce this document.
The project is supported by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“The opinions contained in presented publications do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada”;
Link to the publication: Analysis of Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina
#CanadaFundBiH #CFLI #FCIL #CanadaFund #NestoVise #HateSpeech
We appreciate Canada’s contribution to this project through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.
Jelena Backović, Amra Fejzić, Adem Lisičić
Research Team: Merima Suljagić, Elvir Đuliman, Minela Džuzdanović, Maja Dropić
January 2024