Within the AgMENTOR system support in East Sarajevo, on the 22nd December 2017, was held a thematic meeting Business to Business (B2B) on the topic of medical and aromatic plants for companies, groups of agricultural manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and individual agricultural producers from the municipalities of the region of Central and Eastern BiH.
The aim of the event is connecting all physical and legal persons who are engaged in the processing, production and collecting of medical and aromatic herbs. The event was attended by 22 representatives from the sector of medical and aromatic herbs. In addition to representatives from Central and Eastern BiH, the meeting was attended by representatives from other regions of BiH, which, in addition to sectoral networking, allowed individuals to connect with potential partners from other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

B2B meeting is designed on the basis to allow all participants to recognize and get in touch with possible partners and is divided into two parts. In the first part of the meeting, participants briefly introduced themselves, their work and the area in which they operate. After that, the five companies with the larger scope of production and growing area of activity held the “one-on-one” twenty-minute meetings with other professionals involved. Each of the other participants had the opportunity to hold a meeting with other participants. The second part of the B2B meeting was intended for the networking and detail exchange of information.
Holding B2B is one in a series of activities USAID/Sweden FARMA II project, which is implemented to improve market opportunities and connections for producers and processors from the agro-food industry. The implementers of this activity are the Regional development agency for the region of Central BiH – REZ Agency and Association of citizens “NEŠTO VIŠE”.

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