After the organizational assessment process (Organizational Assessment), and based on the capacity development plan of the Association of Citizens Something More, the first training in a series of planned trainings for the Association staff, partners and associates on the project “Support to Agricultural Development in Herzegovina” supported by USAID .
The training entitled “Introduction to Marketing: How to make a marketing plan?” Was held on August 29, 2014. at the Agricultural Center for Professional Development in Mostar. The training was led by Nedim Čelebić, Impact Consulting d.o.o. Sarajevo, and the participants were partners and associates Maja Vican and Nevzet Sefo from REDAH, Dragi Žujo from Agroneretva, and the staff of the Association “Something More”. Participants were reminded of the theoretical foundations of marketing (competition analysis, goals and key competencies, situation analysis, market research, market segmentation / targeting, positioning, marketing mix, product, price, distribution / location, promotion, monitoring), and through examples, group discussions, and working in small groups on concrete examples from the practice of the participants.
The staff of the Association will subsequently complete the training process in cooperation with the trainer by developing one or more marketing plans for the Association of Citizens Something More.