Story of a Beneficiary of Our Project “Practical work experience for women with finished faculty”

My name is Leila Čorbo, I am a master of food technologies. Association of citizens “Nešto Više”, through the project “Practical work experience for women with finished faculty” which is supported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Bosnia and Herzegovina, allowed me an opportunity for first work experience in the profession in the firm of my choice.

My choice was the company Superior Group d.o.o. Sarajevo, which deals with the production of salted sauces, thermostable fillers, fruit delicacies, and distribution of herbs and supplements for the food industry.

I was welcomed with a positive, creative and dynamic working atmosphere. The obliging and cheerful staff took me in like I was always a part of their team, and unselfishly helped, shared their knowledge and provided the opportunity for work and learning. My working activities were the control of raw materials, work in production, quality control of finished products and managing the following-documentation, the development of new recipes, test samples, sensory evaluation of products, etc.

I’m very happy and grateful that I got the opportunity to do a job that I love, show my knowledge and skills, and gain work experience. Although two months doesn’t sound a lot, I must stress that I learned so many new things.

For me, this is a very positive experience, which, besides powering-up, my knowledge and abilities, allowed the opportunity for the vacancy after the end of the practice. I’d recommend all young people to apply to this and similar programs because by doing practical work, one can learn a lot, get a chance to prove, and someone will ultimately recognize their quality.