We also want to go to school! (01.09.2016 – 01.05.2017) Project is being implemented in the Canton of Sarajevo and includes over one hundred primary and secondary schools. The target group are mainly children with disabilities. The main objective of the project is to ensure equal conditions and possibilities of education for young persons with disabilities (users of wheelchair and vision). Activities include insight into the current state of accessibility and adaptability of schools for the access of students PWD. Schools and amenable institutions will be offered a professional, viable and economical design solutions on how the school could become accessible for the PWD. Online access to information about the locations, the details and the degree of accessibility of schools in the area of Sarajevo Canton, with the possibility of turning on the information from the other Cantons of FBiH and the area of the RS, will, via online maps, make it easy for PWDs and their parents to find better solutions for public education. By lobbying and campaigning, the institutions and organizations for the purpose of solving this problem of accessibility will actively be involved. This project is supported through the project “Equality for all – Coalition of civil society in the fight against discrimination”. Project in partnership implemented by Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika – Centre for social research, Rights for all and Your rights BiH. The project is funded by USAID and Fond open society BiH.
Project value 29,788 USD