The Association of Citizens “Nešto Više”, in partnership with the Center for Youth Developmnet PRONI from Brcko, has started the implementation of the three-year project “Youth Retention Program in BiH- General Mobilization”. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of youth organizations to take part in education and employment reform in order to retain young people in Bosnia and Herzgeovina. The project will work on:
Establishing a cross-sectoral network for advocacy in employment and education, composed of young professionals and enterpreneurs.
Strengthening the capacities and competencies of youth organizations in order to increase the impact of advocacy on the improvement of policies, rules and strategies in the field of employment and education.
Improving the legal and policy framework for young people through cooperation between relevant employers’s associations and relevant institutions at all levels.
They increase awareness of the role and importance of the loss of the youth population in BiH
The project is worth EUR 556,000 and is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina.