Economic Empowerment of the Beneficiaries of the SOS Family Centre in Mostar

Economic empowerment of the beneficiaries of the SOS family centre in Mostar through the theoretical and practical agricultural education (from May to September 2017). Project is implemented by the Association of Citizens Nešto Više and social company EkoDizajn d.o.o. owned by the Association on the pilot farm of the Association of citizens Nešto Više, Humilišani, near Mostar. Education will be attended by a total of 20 users. Program education will be created according to the structure of the selected users. Some of the topics will be
1. Ecological, organic food farming – what it is and why it matters,
2. Growing seasonal fruits and vegetables,
3. Cultivation of medicinal herbs, and spice/aromatic herbs.
4. Waste recycling,
5. Development of natural resources for supplementation and protection of plants and much more.
The project is funded by SOS Kinderdorf
Project value 40,000 KM.

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