
-Great permaculture course in Mostar:11.-20.11.2016.

If you are interested in securing an international certificate in permaculture design-this is the right news for you!

After four decades of development of permaculture in the world, in the last 10 years Croatia has recorded its great rise. Education and courses played a crucial role in that. A large 72-hour course,  known worldwide as the PDC (Permaculture Design Course), is being organized for the second time in Mostar. In addition to the question of how to create your own food, energy, or house from natural materials, permaculture also answers the problem of living in crisis circumstances, which is one of the reasons for its growing popularity in the region. In addition to theoretical and practical parts, through 10 intensive days, this course is aimed at sustainable reshaping of one’s own living space. It consists of the following blocks:-introduction-the state of society and the environment-occasion and reason for permaculture-basic principles: zones, sectors, samples; landscape reading,

-soil: soil analysis and improvement, mulching, composting, organic gardening

-perennials: food from the tree, forest garden,

-water: landscape water, Schauberger, water collection, wastewater recycling, composting toilet, aquaculture,

-sustainable and natural construction, straw and recycling construction, green roofs,

-energy: principles and practical systems 8wind, sun, biomass…9, energy in houses,

– urban permaculture, solutions for the city and small spaces,

-society: consensus decision making, alternative economy, sustainable communities.

Educators in this course are led by the best in this area Ivan Gregov is a permaculture instructor with the longest experience in Croation, and Damir Šeler is one of the leading masters of alternative agricultural skills. During the two weekends, the course will be held all day, and during the working week from 4pm to 9pm (the schedule  is such that you do not need to take days off!). The last three days of the course are reserved for design work, through which participants shape their future projects. It should also be noted that this international course in the west is many times more expensive. The special promotional price for the second Mostar 10-day permaculture course is 280 KM. The course is held from 11 to 20 November 2016. The number of participants is limited (minimum 15, maximum 20), and the deadline for applications/ payments is Novemeber 5,2016, or earlier if the places are filled. For details, questions and appliciations, plrase contact the e-mail (Sanja).

Please note that a seat on this PDC is secured solevy by payment. Payments are non-refundable, so that each participant undertakes to insure another person- participant in case he(she cannot participate in the PDC for some reason. If it happens that 05.11.2016. there will not be a sufficient number of participants (minimum 15), payments will be refunded and PDC canceled.

Who is this course for?

So far, great reactions to the course have been shown by those who are learning gardening, want to build a sustainable house, trying to decide what to do with their inherited grandfather, or even use permaculture in their next job. We highly recommend it even if you are just choosing a plot to buy. Or simply if you are appalled by everything you watch in the Diary in the evening!


Permaculture Office (HR)

Citizens’ Association “Nešto Više” (BiH)

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