
– A lecture was held on honey production in Posušje

Citizens’ Association “Something More”, on Friday, May 22, 2015. in cooperation with the Municipality of Posušje organized a lecture on “Basics of beekeeping”. The lecture was attended by a large number of citizens of the Municipality with the aim of gaining the necessary knowledge to start their own business in the field of beekeeping and honey production. Lecturer B.Sc. Radivoje Maksimović is an exceptional expert in the field of honey production and in a multi-hour presentation he presented to the audience all the necessary elements that are necessary for honey production. After this training, a number of those interested will visit the apiary of Mr. Radivoje, which is located in Trebinje, and learn a lot about breeding queens.

The project is supported by dvv international – Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Municipality of Posušje

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