
-Conference “Challenges and opportunities in the development of agriculture in Herzegovina”

The Association of Citizens “Something More” organized the Conference “Challenges and opportunities in the development of agriculture in Herzegovina”, on Wednesday, July 16, 2014. in Mostar, in Hotel Eri, within the project “Support to the development of agriculture in Herzegovina” (2013-2016), implemented by UG Nešto Više, and supported by USAID.
The conference brought together 123 participants (agricultural producers, experts, associations, organizations, cooperatives, companies, educational institutions and government institutions related to the agricultural sector, and the media) who proposed concrete actions and ways of future cooperation on the Project.
At the Conference were presented (Prof. Dr. Tanović, and colleagues Zahirović and Zulić) and distributed to the participants materials created as a result of the project (four publications made in partnership with the Center for Development and Support Tuzla, and the Faculty of Agriculture “Džemal Bijedić” Mostar and Agronomski and the Faculty of Food Technology, University of Mostar), which you can download here:
1. Analysis of the state of the food processing industry and agricultural infrastructure in the territory of Herzegovina file icon pdf Inventory of agricultural infrastructure.pdf
2. Analysis of educational and employment opportunities in the agricultural sector of the Herzegovina region file icon pdf Study – Education and employment .pdf
3. Inventory of the condition of agricultural land and its use in the region of Herzegovina file icon pdf Inventar zemljista.pdf
4. Analysis of the vulnerability of the fruit, vegetable and table grapes sector to climate change (drought) in the region of Herzegovina file icon pdf Study – Climate change.pdf
A successful consolidation project in Ravno was presented (Šimunović and Krmek), and hydroponic technologies in food production were presented (Prof. Dr. Hanić).
The staff of UG “Nešto Više” would like to thank all the presenters, participants, as well as the media who covered the Conference.

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