In Sarajevo, on April 21 and 22, 2012, and April 25 and 26, 2012, within the project Inclusion against Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities, two-day trainings were held entitled “Specific life skills for independent living of persons with physical disabilities” for groups of a totla of 30 project beneficiaries” for groups of a total of 30 project beneficiaries, who will, in addition to IT training, be educated on various topics in the field of personal and specific skills in the next 5 months of the project.
The training was led by Mrs. Elvira Bešlija, Secretary General of the Association of Paraplegics and Patients with Polio in the Federation of BiH (one of the founders of the Association of Paraplegics and Patients with Polio in BiH in 1978).
The objectives of the training were: To present personal and specific life skills), To present common misconceptions and stereotypes about disability, emphasizing the importance of independence through learning about aids, accessibility, employment opportunities for people with disabilities, importance of independence, give pratical examples (positive and negative). The participants were presented and distributed the Handbook ” Specific life skills for independent living of people with physical disabilities”, which was developed for the needs of this project to acquaints project beneficiaries with important principles and principles of social inclusion, eychange experiences and improve their position in BiH. The training was held in the premises of the Center for Business Education Sarajevo. At the end of the two-day trainings, the participants received certificates of attendance at this training.
The project Inclusion against Disctimination against Persons with Disabilities is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here you can download the training material.
Priručnik-Specificnih vještina za samostalan život osoba sa fizičkim invaliditetom. pdf