-Partnership agreement signed with the municipality of Cazin

The Association of Citizens “Nešto Više” has signed a cooperation agreement with the municipality of Cazin for the implementation of the project ” Improvement of the heating system in the bracket of the municipality of Cazin”. The main goal of this project is to improve the environment in the municipality of Cazin.

In order to achieve this goal, the project envisages the replacement of the central heating boiler, which is used to heat the municipal building. The current bolier uses heating oil as an energy source and significantly contributes to air pollution in Cazin. This boiler will be replaced by a boiler that uses pellets as an energy source, and in that way the emission of harmful gases will be reduced and financial resources of the municipality of Cazin will be saved.

The project is implemented within the MDG-F program Environmental Management: Linking Local and State Initiatives in BiH”, which is implemented jointly in BiH by five UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, FAO AND UNV). This project is funded by the Spanish Millennium Development Goals Fund (MDG-F) and the Municipality of Cazin.

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