The second study visit for farmers from northeastern Bosnia was organized on November 28 and 29, 2011. A total of 98 farmers from 6 partner cooperatives: Brka, Brka-Brčko; Agrokoraj, Koraj; Vocar, Glumina- Zvornik; Gracanka, Gracanica; PMG VIP, Gradačac; and Prunus Zvornik, participated in the study visit, along with several local government representatives. After a visit to a pilot farm in Gracanica, funded by USAID through the project “Drought Adaptation Capacity Building in Agro-Business”, the study visit continued with a visit to neighboring Croatia. The irrigation systems of PIK AGROKOR (Vegetable Growing) in Vinkovci and the orchard Hlad d.o.o. were visited in Slavonski Brod. During the visit to Vinkovci, farmers had the opportunity to visit the new plant for storage and packaging of fresh and frozen vegetables of PIK Agrokor. Finally, farmers also visited the Zdjelarević vineyard near Slavonski Brod. With this visit, farmers had the opportunity to see that irrigation systems were built through a USAID-supported project in line with modern trends in drought control and efficient use of limited amounts of water.