The TASCO project (Technical Support to Civil Society Organizations ) will soon organize two trainings for civil society representatives: “Citizen Participation in Decision-Making Processes”- (advanced training) in Sarajevo, January 25-26,2011, and Advocacy/Lobbying” (Basic training) in Travnik, from 09 to 10 February 2011. Applications for training are accepted until 15.01.2011. for the first, and 31.01.2011. for other training by e-mail
I. Training “Citizen participation in decision-making processes”- (advanced training)
Place and date of the training: Sarajevo, from 25-26. January 2011
Deadline for submission of application 15.1.2011
Training goals and results:
The specific objectives of the training are to improve the understanding and knowledge of selected representatives of CSOs from BiH in the field of citizen participation in the decision-making process. The focus of the training will be on equipping training participants with methods, techniques, tools and approaches to achieve better success in influencing public policies.
During the training, participants will be introduced to the following areas:
Citizen participation in the decision-making process-levels of participation, their purposes, different methods, techniques, tools and approaches.
Experience in citizen participation in the decision-making process, challenges they face and opportunities to overcome obstacles. The role of civil society and other actors in the development and institutuionalization of mechanisms for citizen participation
Challenges faced by organizations in the participation of citizens in decision-making processes at the local level and understanding what are the possibilities for overcoming them.
Best practices from the EU and the Western Balkans in the field of citizen participation in the decision-making processes at the local level and understanding what are the possibilities for overcoming them
Best practices from the EU and the Western Balkans in the field of citizen participation in the decision-making process
Target group:
Representatives of civil society organizations, which include trade unions, mass movements, cooperatives, professional associations, cultural and religious groups, as well as groups from local communities with a predominant aspect of the organization’s mission to influence public policies in its field.
One organization can delegate 1 representative to participate in the training.
Application procedure:
Interested representatives of civil society organizations should submit a completed TASCO training form (should not exceed 2 pages) attached to this call no later than: by 15.01.2011 to 4 pm on e-mail: with the title: “Citizen participation in decision-making processes” (advanced training) together with:
A short letter of motivation (free format up to 1 page) for participation in the training (previous experience in decision-making processes)
More information including the call and the application form ( application form) can be found at the following link: