Public Call for civil society organizations to submit project proposals

Association of Citizens “NEŠTO VIŠE” within the project “Development of Training Programs for Members of Municipal/City Gender Equality Commissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina” announces a Public Call for project proposals aimed at supporting civil society organizations to increase their contribution to the prevention, reduction, and combating of all forms of gender-based violence.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the role and position of women in political, social, and economic processes and support local partnerships in establishing effective mechanisms for gender equality in local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project aims to establish a functional operational structure within local governments that will support the promotion and advocacy of women’s rights, particularly those living in rural areas; strengthen the capacities of local stakeholders, public and civil sectors, to effectively implement the agenda for fundamental human rights with a special focus on women from vulnerable categories (women with disabilities, minorities, LGBT community members); develop a model for advancing gender equality in local communities that can be replicated in other communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The total amount available for projects in communities under this Public Call is 97,800 KM.

The project “Development of Training Programs for Members of Municipal/City Gender Equality Commissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (2021-2022) is funded by the European Union.


Applicants are expected to propose projects related to the prevention, prevention, and combating of violence against girls and women, especially those from vulnerable and marginalized groups (persons with disabilities, persons from rural areas, members of minority communities with a special focus on the Roma population, etc.) and in line with the Gender Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other positive practices.

The amount of funding that can be requested for individual projects is 4,890 KM.

Projects should last a maximum of four (4) months and must be implemented during the period from June to October 2022.

The project start date is expected to be in June 2022 when the signing of contracts is anticipated, and it concludes upon submission of final narrative and financial reports.

During project implementation, only one person from the organization will act as the coordinator and will be responsible for project implementation, content and financial management, as well as narrative and financial reporting to the Association “NEŠTO VIŠE”.

Disbursement of project funds for approved project proposals will occur progressively according to the following model: 50% at the start of project activities, 40% midway through the project, and the remaining 10% upon approval of the final financial and narrative report.

The amounts for staff engagement (project coordinator or accountant fees) and grant administrative costs (office rent, overhead costs, office supplies, fax/telephone/internet, bank fees, etc.) do not exceed 30% of the total project budget.


Projects must be implemented in the communities of Bosanska Krupa, Busovača, Derventa, Goražde, Ilidža, Kalesija, Kalinovik, Jajce, Laktaši, Mostar, Nevesinje, Kostajnica, Novo Sarajevo, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Šamac, Tešanj, Teslić, Tuzla, and Vlasenica, and project beneficiaries must be residents of these communities.

One project proposal will be supported for each listed local community.


Civil society organizations (associations and foundations established according to the applicable laws on associations and foundations) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, headquartered or actively conducting activities in one of the listed local communities, are eligible to apply.

An applicant cannot submit more than one project proposal under this Call. An applicant may only appear once as a co-applicant in another project proposal under this Call.

One co-applicant can participate in two project proposals under this Call.


Deadline for submission: Monday, May 23, 2022, by 16:00h Submission method: Electronically in PDF format Submission address:

Any questions can be submitted exclusively via email to no later than May 10, 2022, by 12:00h.


Project proposal (signed and stamped by the applicant); Project budget with detailed narrative/description of each item (signed and stamped by the applicant and in an Excel document with formulas); Original financial identification form of the applicant; Original legal status form of the applicant; Copy of the registration decision from the competent authority and applicant identification number; Copy of the final annual financial report for 2021 (Balance Sheet and Income Statement), certified by the competent financial agency and licensed and authorized accountant.

Forms to be completed when submitting project proposals are available at the links above.

This activity is implemented within the project “Development of Training Programs for Members of Municipal/City Gender Equality Commissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” supported by the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina and implemented by the Association of Citizens “NEŠTO VIŠE” and “Amica Educa” in cooperation with the Gender Centers of the Government of FBiH and the Government of RS