New Project: Increasing the employability of people with disabilities through cyber security education

The Citizens’ Association NEŠTO VIŠE is launching a new project in Bosnia and Herzegovina aimed at increasing the employability of persons with disabilities through education in the field of cybersecurity. The project will provide support for the employment or retention of at least 50 individuals. Initially, a market research will be conducted to develop a curriculum and educational materials tailored to the needs of employers. The project will include the organization of five training sessions on cybersecurity for at least 50 participants. After the training, each participant will have the opportunity to apply for:

a) Internships (for unemployed participants), including eight weeks of work experience; b) Support for participants who lack adequate hardware to attend the training; c) Subsidies for already employed individuals to retain their jobs.

In addition, cybersecurity guides will be developed, and an extensive media campaign will be conducted to promote the importance of this topic.

The project is supported by the United States Embassy in Sarajevo.

Project value: 249,780 USD (approx. 442,842 BAM)

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