12/03/2015 Thursday: it was merry on the farm today. On the recommendation of our associate mr.sci. Alise Hadžiabulić from the Faculty of Agromediterranean Mostar, a group of about twenty activists from the Czech Republic and Georgia visited our farm, and got acquainted with the activities that Nešto Više is working on. Visitors come from different organizations / institutions / cooperatives from these two countries, but share a common passion for innovation and quality agriculture. Some of them are the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences – Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, Elkana project Enhancing Small Farmers Cooperation and Productivity in Imereti and Racha Regions, Kutaisi, Gorgia, and the Association of Young Economists of Georgia, Tbilisi, Gorgia.
The Nešto Više staff was ready to present existing and past projects, especially those related to agricultural activities, and then we answered our visitors’ questions about farm activities, how to finance NGOs in BiH, the situation in agriculture and cooperatives in BiH, etc.
After the visit was over, we devoted ourselves to our daily activities. Today we focused on continuing forest clearing at greenhouse # 2, cleaning gravel for hydroponic cultivation, working on laurel-cherry and rosemary cuttings (individual cuttings prepared in separate containers and positioned in greenhouse # 2), transplanting flowers and herbs into one of the tubs in the greenhouse, spraying new crops in tubs with organic preparations against rot, flamingo and powdery mildew, checking food and formic acid in the hive + floor cleaning, field work above organic gardens – milling, leveling and terrain assessment (for future flower garden project – gazebos – places to rest and tables / benches)…
At the end of the working day, we all picked a little spring onion for salad in organic garden # 2, to spice up such a beautiful, useful and interesting day.
The activities take place within the project Support to Agricultural Development in Herzegovina, implemented by UG Nešto Više, and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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