
-Introduction of GlobalGap

The process of introducing the GlobalGAP certificate in agricultural cooperatives in BiH within the project “ACCORD: Development of Agricultural Cooperatives” is proceeding according to the planned dynamics. This year/season,the certification of the following crops is planned in seven partner cooperatives: raspberry, plum, cucumber and apple. Intensive work is being done in two directions: (1) with the staff of cooperatives, on the preparations of cooperatives to manage a group of producers and certified products, and (2) with agricultural producers directly in the field, on their plots-to meet infrastructural conditions and adhere to production all the requirements set by the GlobalGAP standard. Consultants and representatives of GlobalGAP cooperatives are in the field on a daily basis, and visit the manufaturers involved in this process. In the next two months, a lot of field work is needed to get everything ready for certification, which will begin in some cooperatives in July this year.

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